Cloud security

Building Highly Available, Scalable, and Secure Microservices Infra with AWS ECS


About the Client

Centrae, a dynamic technology company, sought to optimise its microservices infrastructure for enhanced availability, scalability, and security. Their goal was to ensure seamless operation across multiple environments while bolstering defences against cyber threats.

Project Goals

Centrae is confronted with a significant business obstacle as they prepare to launch their product. The primary focus revolves around guaranteeing a seamless and prosperous go-live, all the while establishing a resilient and safeguarded infrastructure. The current non-production setup must align with industry-leading standards, presenting potential threats and obstacles to the overall performance and security of the product.


Centrae faced the challenge of building an infrastructure to support microservices running on containers that would be highly available, scalable, and secure. Additionally, they needed to establish a robust monitoring process for resource management and automate the building and deployment of their services.


To overcome the challenges and achieve the project goals, we implemented the
following solutions:

ECS Services Implementation

Leveraging Amazon ECS, Centrae deployed microservices across various environments, including development, testing, and production. ECS ensured scalability and flexibility in managing containerized applications.

Multi-AZ RDS Setup

Centrae set up RDS databases in multi-AZ configuration to achieve high availability. This ensured redundancy and minimized downtime in case of failures.

WAF Integration

Centrae implemented a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to filter bot requests and enhance security against web-based attacks.

AWS Security Hub

Utilizing AWS Security Hub with CIS policies, Centrae managed server security according to industry best practices.

Security Improvement

By implementing WAF, Security Hub, and adhering to CIS policies, Centrae significantly improved security, achieving a 78% increase, and enhancing the protection of their client's application.

Tech Stack

Key Benefits Delivered


Enhanced Security

Implementation of WAF and adherence to CIS policies led to a significant increase in security, improving protection against web-based attacks.

Enhanced Security

Implementation of WAF and adherence to CIS policies led to a significant increase in security, improving protection against web-based attacks.


Improved Availability

Setting up RDS in Multi-AZ configuration ensured high availability of databases, minimising downtime and ensuring continuous operation.

Improved Availability

Setting up RDS in Multi-AZ configuration ensured high availability of databases, minimising downtime and ensuring continuous operation.



Deployment of microservices on ECS provided scalability to meet increasing demands, allowing for efficient resource allocation and management.


Deployment of microservices on ECS provided scalability to meet increasing demands, allowing for efficient resource allocation and management.


Streamlined Deployment

Automation of building and deploying processes facilitated efficient deployment of microservices, reducing manual effort and accelerating time-to-market.

Streamlined Deployment

Automation of building and deploying processes facilitated efficient deployment of microservices, reducing manual effort and accelerating time-to-market.


Effective Monitoring

The establishment of a monitoring process enabled proactive detection of issues and optimization of resource usage, ensuring optimal performance and availability.

Effective Monitoring

The establishment of a monitoring process enabled proactive detection of issues and optimization of resource usage, ensuring optimal performance and availability.

Driving Growth through Strategic Innovation

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