Elastic Beanstalk to ECS


About the Client

True Impact is a social impact measurement platform that helps purpose-driven enterprises demonstrate the concrete results of their donations and volunteerism.

Project Goals

This case study highlights the successful migration of True Impact's backend application from Elastic Beanstalk to Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) using Docker containers. Leveraging various AWS services such as ECR, ECS, ALB, RDS, and Secrets Manager, the organization achieved enhanced scalability, cost-effectiveness, and improved security. This case study provides insights into the migration process, services utilized, and the resulting benefits.


1. Container Orchestration

Running and managing multiple Docker containers in ECS and ensuring efficient communication between services.

2. Data Migration

Migrating staging and production databases to RDS instances without impacting data integrity and availability.

3. Security and Secrets Management

Safely storing and managing sensitive environment variables and credentials.

4. Infrastructure Setup

Configuring ECS clusters, ALB, VPC peering, and DNS configurations to ensure a seamless transition.

5. Application Monitoring

Setting up effective monitoring and logging mechanisms for the Dockerized application running on ECS.


To overcome the challenges and achieve the project goals, we implemented the
following solutions:


Dockerizing the backend application to create portable and scalable container images.

AWS Service Utilization

Leveraging ECR for secure container image storage, ECS for container orchestration, ALB for load balancing, RDS for database management, and Secrets Manager for secure storage of environment variables and credentials.

Data Migration Strategy

Planning and executing a phased approach to migrate staging and production databases to RDS instances, ensuring data consistency and availability.

Infrastructure Setup and Networking

Setting up ECS clusters, configuring ALB for load balancing, establishing VPC peering, and managing DNS configurations with Route53.

Monitoring and Logging

Utilizing AWS CloudWatch Logs for centralized logging and monitoring of the Dockerized application, ensuring visibility into performance and issues.

Tech Stack

Key Benefits Delivered


Cost Optimization

By leveraging ECS and other AWS-managed services, True Impact achieved cost optimization through efficient resource utilization and pay-as-you-go pricing models.

Cost Optimization

By leveraging ECS and other AWS-managed services, True Impact achieved cost optimization through efficient resource utilization and pay-as-you-go pricing models.


Enhanced Scalability and High Availability

Migrating to ECS allowed True Impact's backend application to scale effortlessly, ensuring high availability and improved performance during peak loads.

Enhanced Scalability and High Availability

Migrating to ECS allowed True Impact's backend application to scale effortlessly, ensuring high availability and improved performance during peak loads.


Efficient Resource Utilization

Centralized logging and monitoring with CloudWatch Logs enabled proactive issue detection and troubleshooting, leading to improved operational efficiency and reduced downtime.

Efficient Resource Utilization

Centralized logging and monitoring with CloudWatch Logs enabled proactive issue detection and troubleshooting, leading to improved operational efficiency and reduced downtime.


Enhanced Security

Implementing private subnets, Secrets Manager, and VPN access improved the security posture of the application, protecting sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access.

Enhanced Security

Implementing private subnets, Secrets Manager, and VPN access improved the security posture of the application, protecting sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access.


Streamlined Deployment

With the migration to ECS and Docker containers, True Impact gained the flexibility to adopt a microservices architecture, enabling future scalability and faster application development.

Streamlined Deployment

With the migration to ECS and Docker containers, True Impact gained the flexibility to adopt a microservices architecture, enabling future scalability and faster application development.

Driving Growth through Strategic Innovation

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