Enhancing Data Management and Performance

Enhancing Data Management and Performance

Enhancing Data Management and Performance

About the Client

Our client is an innovation-focused company that specializes in creating high-impact digital experiences for global industry leaders and major brands in the Lifesciences, Healthcare, and Engineering domains.

Project Goals

The primary goal of the project is to efficiently manage and reduce the costs associated with storing terabytes of data on the Elastic File System (EFS). The current storage setup has proven to be costly, necessitating a more cost-effective approach.


1. Utilization of Data on Elastic File System (EFS)

Multiple servers accessing data on EFS posed challenges due to limitations with Elastic Block Store (EBS).

2. Swift Data Accessibility

The application required fast data accessibility for download, server-side processing, storage, and direct access, posing challenges in data upload and retrieval speeds.

3. Opting for Amazon S3

Choosing Amazon S3 as an alternative to EFS presented challenges considering data utilization, costs, and performance requirements.


To overcome the challenges and achieve the project goals, we implemented the
following solutions:

Direct Mounting of S3 Bucket

Rather than transferring data over the internet, we mounted the S3 bucket directly as storage on the respective servers. This approach offered several benefits.

Cost Reduction

Compared to EFS, S3 proved to be a more cost-effective solution for storing terabytes of data.

Storage Class Optimization

S3 provided different storage classes tailored to data usage patterns, allowing less frequently accessed data to be stored in lower-cost storage classes.

Improved Performance

Mounting the S3 bucket on servers minimized the access time, enhancing the speed and responsiveness of the application.

Tech Stack

Key Benefits Delivered


Cost Savings

Utilizing Amazon S3 and optimizing storage classes resulted in significant cost reductions compared to the previous EFS setup.

Cost Savings

Utilizing Amazon S3 and optimizing storage classes resulted in significant cost reductions compared to the previous EFS setup.


Optimal Performance

Directly mounting the S3 bucket on servers improved data access time, leading to faster application performance and enhanced user experience.

Optimal Performance

Directly mounting the S3 bucket on servers improved data access time, leading to faster application performance and enhanced user experience.


Efficient Data Management

The project enabled efficient management of terabytes of data by leveraging the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of Amazon S3.

Efficient Data Management

The project enabled efficient management of terabytes of data by leveraging the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of Amazon S3.

As a cloud service provider, we successfully addressed the challenges faced by our client and provided a robust solution that reduced costs and improved performance for managing large volumes of data on the AWS platform.

Driving Growth through Strategic Innovation

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