Deploying new software can often come with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to handling rollbacks if something goes wrong. This blog discusses a recent project where we helped a client resolve significant rollback issues using a comprehensive solution involving AWS ECS, secure credential management with AWS Secrets Manager, RDS, load balancers, S3 with CloudFront, and a Bitbucket pipeline. This solution not only stabilized their deployment process but also enhanced security, scalability, and cost-efficiency.


Our client, a software development company, was experiencing severe rollback issues following new deployments. To address this, we implemented a solution using AWS ECS for container orchestration, AWS Secrets Manager for secure management of credentials and environment variables, Amazon RDS for database management, Elastic Load Balancer for traffic distribution, S3 with CloudFront for static content delivery, and a Bitbucket pipeline to streamline the deployment process. The client had developed new software for their own client and tested it on-premises but faced several issues that were resolved by our cloud-based solution.

About the Client

The client specializes in developing innovative software solutions for various business needs, focusing on custom software development, testing, and deployment. Catering to a wide range of industries, the client needed a reliable and efficient deployment process to ensure consistent service delivery.


  1. Rollback Issues: The client faced significant rollback issues whenever something went wrong after new deployments. This led to instability and downtime, affecting their ability to deliver consistent services to their clients. The lack of an efficient rollback mechanism further compounded the problem, as reverting to a previous stable state was time-consuming and prone to errors.
  2. On-Premises Testing: Testing new software on-premises posed several challenges, including resource constraints, scalability issues, and inefficiencies in managing deployment pipelines. The client’s existing infrastructure was unable to scale dynamically based on demand, leading to performance bottlenecks during peak usage times. This made it difficult to ensure a seamless user experience.
  3. Credential and Environment Management: Securely managing credentials and environment variables was a persistent challenge, leading to potential security vulnerabilities and deployment inconsistencies. The client needed a robust solution to handle sensitive information securely and ensure consistency across different environments.


To address these challenges, we designed and implemented a robust solution comprising several AWS services and a structured deployment pipeline. Key components of the solution included:

  1. AWS ECS: Used for container orchestration, allowing the client to deploy and manage their applications easily. ECS provided the necessary scalability and management capabilities to handle their deployment needs. With ECS, we created a highly available and scalable container infrastructure, enabling the client to run their applications in a reliable manner.
  2. AWS Secrets Manager: Employed for secure management of credentials and environment variables. This ensured that sensitive information was securely stored and accessed during deployments. By using AWS Secrets Manager, we were able to securely manage API keys, database passwords, and other sensitive data, ensuring that they were not exposed in the code or deployment scripts.
  3. Amazon RDS: Implemented to provide a reliable and scalable database solution, ensuring high availability and performance for the client’s applications. We configured RDS to handle the client’s database needs, providing automated backups, scaling, and failover capabilities to ensure data integrity and availability.
  4. Elastic Load Balancer: Used to distribute incoming traffic across multiple targets, ensuring high availability and reliability of the applications. The ELB automatically routed traffic to healthy instances, preventing overload on any single server and improving the overall performance of the client’s applications.
  5. Amazon S3 with CloudFront: Utilized for storing and delivering static content, providing a scalable and cost-effective solution for content delivery. By leveraging S3 and CloudFront, we ensured that static assets such as images, videos, and scripts were delivered quickly and efficiently to users around the globe.
  6. Bitbucket Pipeline: Set up a CI/CD pipeline with the following steps:
    • Fetch environment variables from AWS Secrets Manager.
    • Build the Docker image with the commit ID as a unique tag.
    • Push the Docker image to Amazon ECR.
    • Create a new task definition with the new Docker image.
    • Update the service in the ECS cluster with the new task definition.

This pipeline ensured a seamless and automated deployment process, reducing the chances of human error and ensuring consistency across deployments.

Rollback Process

To ensure a reliable rollback process, we implemented the following steps:

  1. Previous Task Definition Retention: Retained previous task definitions to allow for easy rollback in case of deployment failure. By keeping track of the previous stable task definitions, we ensured that the client could quickly revert to a known good state without having to rebuild the entire application.
  2. Automated Rollback Script: Created an automated script within the Bitbucket pipeline to revert to the last successful task definition if the new deployment encountered issues. This script monitored the deployment process and, upon detecting a failure, automatically triggered the rollback to the previous stable task definition.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Implemented continuous monitoring of deployments to detect issues early and trigger the rollback process if necessary. We set up monitoring and alerting using AWS CloudWatch and other tools to keep track of application performance and health, enabling quick response to any issues that arose.

The rollback process ensured that any deployment issues were quickly and efficiently resolved, minimizing downtime and maintaining service continuity.

Services We Used

  1. Consulting and Planning: Worked closely with the client to understand their specific needs and design a tailored solution. Our consulting services included detailed assessments of the client’s existing infrastructure, identifying areas for improvement, and developing a comprehensive plan for the migration and implementation of the new solution.
  2. Cloud Migration: Managed the migration of the client’s on-premises testing environment to AWS, ensuring a seamless transition. Our migration services included data transfer, application reconfiguration, and thorough testing to ensure that the new cloud-based environment was fully functional and optimized.
  3. Development and Integration: Developed and integrated the AWS services and Bitbucket pipeline into the client’s existing workflow. We customized the deployment pipeline to meet the client’s specific requirements, ensuring that all necessary steps were automated and streamlined for maximum efficiency.
  4. Monitoring and Support: Provided continuous monitoring and support to ensure the infrastructure remained efficient and secure. Our support services included ongoing maintenance, performance tuning, and proactive issue resolution to keep the client’s applications running smoothly.

Tech Stack

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Core cloud service provider.
  • AWS ECS: For container orchestration and management.
  • AWS Secrets Manager: For secure management of credentials and environment variables.
  • Amazon RDS: For database management.
  • Elastic Load Balancer: For traffic distribution.
  • Amazon S3 with CloudFront: For static content storage and delivery.
  • Docker: For containerizing applications.
  • Bitbucket: For version control and CI/CD pipeline management.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  1. Deployment Success Rate: Increased to 99.5%, significantly reducing rollback incidents. The improved deployment process ensured that new releases were successfully deployed without frequent rollbacks, enhancing overall stability.
  2. Scalability: Improved ability to handle increased user load without manual intervention. The new infrastructure dynamically scaled based on demand, ensuring that the client’s applications could handle high traffic without performance degradation.
  3. Security: Enhanced security posture with secure management of credentials and environment variables. By using AWS Secrets Manager, we ensured that sensitive information was protected, reducing the risk of security breaches.
  4. Efficiency: Reduced deployment times and increased overall efficiency of the development and deployment process. The automated CI/CD pipeline streamlined the deployment process, allowing the client’s development team to focus on building new features rather than managing deployments.

Key Benefits Delivered

  1. Improved Stability: The solution provided a stable and reliable deployment environment, reducing downtime and rollback incidents. The enhanced stability ensured that the client’s applications were consistently available to users, improving user satisfaction.
  2. Enhanced Security: Secure management of credentials and environment variables reduced the risk of security breaches. The improved security measures protected the client’s sensitive data, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  3. Scalability and Performance: The client benefited from a scalable infrastructure that could handle increased load and improved performance. The new infrastructure ensured that the client’s applications could accommodate growth without performance issues.
  4. Cost Savings: Migrating to AWS and optimizing the deployment pipeline resulted in significant cost savings compared to the previous on-premises setup. The cost-effective cloud infrastructure reduced operational expenses, allowing the client to allocate resources to other critical areas.


The project was a significant success, effectively addressing the client’s rollback issues and improving their overall deployment process. By leveraging AWS technologies and a structured CI/CD pipeline, we provided a scalable, secure, and efficient solution. The client experienced enhanced stability, security, and performance, enabling them to focus on developing and delivering high-quality software to their clients. This case study highlights the effectiveness of cloud-based solutions in overcoming deployment challenges and achieving operational excellence.

By implementing AWS ECS and other AWS services, we ensured that our client’s deployment process became more reliable, secure, and scalable, effectively eliminating the rollback issues they were facing. This robust solution enabled the client to continue delivering high-quality software, providing a strong foundation for their ongoing success.