Achieving High Availability and Cost Optimization

Cost Optimization

About the Client

Our client's mission is to help children in their community gain easy access to fresh fruit, addressing the issue of the limited availability of nutritious food for kids.

Project Goals

The project aimed to create a highly available and cost-effective platform for hosting a cPanel application, enabling efficient management of the website and resources.


1. High-Speed cPanel Application

Ensuring a high-speed and responsive cPanel application to provide a smooth user experience for website management.

2. Cost Optimization

Implementing cost-effective solutions to minimize infrastructure expenses while maintaining performance and availability


To address the challenges and achieve the project goals, we implemented the following solutions:

Cost-Effective and Secure Platform

EC2 Instance: Utilizing an EC2 instance to host the cPanel application, providing scalability and cost optimization based on the workload requirements.
VPC and Subnets: Creating a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and configuring private subnets to ensure a secure environment for the application and databases.
RDS: Deploying the database on Amazon RDS within the private subnet to ensure secure data storage and optimized performance.
OpenVPN: Implementing OpenVPN in the public subnet to enable secure remote access to the VPC resources.

Monitoring and Alerts

CloudWatch: Setting up monitoring and alerts using Amazon CloudWatch to proactively monitor the health and performance of the application, ensuring timely issue detection and resolution.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

Jenkins: Implementing CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins for automated build, test, and deployment processes, ensuring efficient and streamlined application updates.

Tech Stack

Key Benefits Delivered


Cost Optimization

By leveraging cost-effective AWS services, resource allocation, and monitoring, we achieved cost optimization without compromising performance and availability

Cost Optimization

By leveraging cost-effective AWS services, resource allocation, and monitoring, we achieved cost optimization without compromising performance and availability.


Enhanced Scalability and Availability

The use of EC2 instances, VPC, and RDS provided scalability and high availability, ensuring the platform can handle increased traffic and demand.

Enhanced Scalability and Availability

The use of EC2 instances, VPC, and RDS provided scalability and high availability, ensuring the platform can handle increased traffic and demand.


High-Speed cPanel Application

The optimized infrastructure setup and monitoring ensured a high-speed and responsive cPanel application, enhancing the user experience and website management efficiency

High-Speed cPanel Application

The optimized infrastructure setup and monitoring ensured a high-speed and responsive cPanel application, enhancing the user experience and website management efficiency.


Secure Environment

The implementation of VPC, subnets, and OpenVPN enhanced the security of the platform, protecting sensitive data and resources.

Secure Environment

The implementation of VPC, subnets, and OpenVPN enhanced the security of the platform, protecting sensitive data and resources.


Streamlined Deployment

The integration of Jenkins and CI/CD pipelines allowed for automated and efficient deployment, reducing manual effort and enabling rapid updates.

Streamlined Deployment

The integration of Jenkins and CI/CD pipelines allowed for automated and efficient deployment, reducing manual effort and enabling rapid updates.

Driving Growth through Strategic Innovation

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